Stress Free Simple Wills and Powers of Attorney

Protect What Matters Most to You

We understand how intimidating simple wills, living wills and powers of attorney can be. We’ve helped hundreds of people just like you leave stress from legal issues behind.

Our Simple, 3-Step Planning Process

We meet with you to determine your needs.

We work with you to create the right document for you.

You feel secure and well prepared for the future.

End of Life Documents

At Mapp, Mapp & Klein we have worked with generations of families to help them prepare for the decisions that need to be made prior to and after departure of life. Before you pass on, you should appoint someone to make decisions for you. After you pass, you will need a will outlining the distribution of your assets. Here are the documents that we can prepare for you:


Last Will & Testament


Durable General Power of Attorney 


Durable Medical Power of Attorney/Advanced Medical Directive aka. Living Wills

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Power of Attorney?

Power of attorney is the granting of legal rights to another person. Decisions you would typically make for yourself are made by that person in the event you are unable to do so. It is one of the most powerful estate planning tools because it gives the decision-making power that is yours alone to someone else. This person has the ability to make legal decisions concerning financial affairs and other matters.

Do I need to create a medical directive?

Medical directives explain your medical wishes and instructions in case you are unable to communicate these decisions yourself at the time they are needed. You will appoint someone to make and carry out your wishes. You should discuss your wishes with the person you choose to be your health care proxy. Medical directives are an important part of estate planning, so no matter how unpleasant it might be for you and your loved ones to discuss, it is necessary and will save a great deal of emotional trauma in the future.

I’m worried my family will contest my will. What can I do to prevent this from happening?

All families have challenges and sometimes, these issues spill over into the planning and settling of an estate. There are several things you can do to make the arrangement you intend more likely to be upheld once you are gone:

• Ensure your will is properly executed by working with an experienced attorney
• Explain your decisions to family while you are still alive

I don’t really own anything. Do I still need a will?

Your last will and testament is a legally binding document that clearly states your final wishes, ensuring your estate is distributed exactly as instructed.  If you’re young and single and have few or no assets, a simple will might suffice.

If you’re married, your spouse will most likely be the beneficiary of your estate. A will is still helpful to have in case questions arise.